I did made some changes to the recipe and here is my version:
Ingredients for Spiral Flaky Crust Lotus Mooncakes (makes 12 medium):
Water dough:
125g plain flour
60g ghee
50ml water
Oil dough:
120g cake flour
60g ghee
1 tbsp pandan juice
250g Lotus Seed Paste
2 tbsp pandan juice
1/2 tsp pandan paste
3 salted duck egg yolks (halved)
- For the water dough, rub the ghee into the flour in a mixing bowl till it resembles bread crumbs. Then add the water and knead till it form a soft dough. Cover and set aside.
- For the oil dough, rub the ghee into the cake flour till its well combined and forms a soft dough. Add the pandan juice if desired to enhance the fragrance. Cover and set aside.
- For the filling, mix everything together except the salted egg yolks till well combined.
- Dive both the water dough into 6 equal portions, then do the same for the oil dough. For details on rolling out the dough, please kindly link to Corner Cafe to see the step by step instructions.
- After you have did the spiral layering dough, you can proceed to put the filling in. If you are adding salted egg yolks, place half of the yolk inside some lotus paste filling before putting the lotus paste into the prepared dough and sealing it up. Remember to mark those which salted yolks has been added. I used red food coloring to dot the top.
- Repeat till all doughs has been used. Place mooncakes on baking tray lines with parchment paper and preheat oven to 200°C.
- Brush egg wash over the mooncakes and bake in oven for 20 minutes till golden brown.
- Cool on rack before cutting the mooncakes.

A shot of the insides of these delicious cakes. If you ask me, I much prefer the ones with the salted egg yolks, it balance out the sweetness. Overall, I am very satisfied with the end result of these mooncakes, considering I am making them for the first time. Even friends that I share them with has commented its very good. I guess the only thing I would change the next time I make these mooncakes is to use yam paste filling, another of my faourite! ;)
Hi...its really really delicious! And I can't wait to start making...hee hee:P
It was really good off the oven. And it is still good after one day. Excellent with a cup of Tea. The salted egg yolk brings a very good balance to the sweet lotus paste. "Munching away"
Hi Reese,
So glad you like it! I can show you how when we have some time, maybe next week, when you get the red bean paste from your mom?
Hi Sweet Tooth,
So happy it's up to your standard! Will make more the next time I get more lotus seed paste.
Your recipe call for ghee for both dough. can i know what is the different of GHEE, SHORTERING & CHU YU?? can pls advise n can use either one to replace ghee?? would appreciate for your help. Thanks in advance.
Hi Annabelle,
I presume that you know what ghee, shortening and lard is, so I will just come to the usage. In fact, all three of these fats yield light flaky texture of the mooncake crust. So I guess for this recipe, if you have lard, that would be best, (as what the original recipe calls for). If you can't find lard like me, ghee is second best, since it has a rich buttery taste, whereas shortening is man made vegetable fat...you probably can figure out which one is better in taste and fragrance. If you really cannot find lard and ghee, I guess shortening is still better then butter or margarine, which might not produce the same texture. Hope this helps! Happy baking!
Thanks for you reply. altoh i don't really know what is these 3 iteam use method, but is help n will try. Thank You.....
Thanks for the mooncakes. They were very delicious yet healthy. We finished off the whole lot the next day without guilt. Too bad you won't be back till a while; if not would have placed somemore "orders". Cheers!
You are most welcome Veron! I am so glad that you and Allan like the mooncakes. ;) *phew* Yes, usually these type of mooncakes are fried. But I choose to bake them and yes, it is healthier and taste as good. Will make more for you guys next time if I am still around next year. :) Cheers!
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