And did you know that fresh passion fruit is high in beta carotene, potassium, and dietary fiber. It's juice is a good source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and good for people who has High blood pressure. No wonder my mum has been asking me to eat them straight out from the fruit shell. Since it is in season now...remember to go grab a few and savor the goodness of this fruit. ;) Back to the chiffon cake, it actually has a nice strong aroma of the fruit even though I only used the juice of 2 fruits for this 25 inch cake. :P And in order to show some "evidence" that I did use passion fruit, I added some seeds in the cake batter. No worries, the seeds are really small and totally edible...crunchy. ;)
Ingredients for Passion Fruit Chiffon Cake:
Egg Yolk Mixture:
4 egg yolks
115ml (juice of 2 passion fruit and top up with water if needed)
85 ml corn oil
80 g sugar
75g Cake flour
75g plain flour
3 g salt
1 tsp baking Powder
Egg White Mixture:
5 egg white
1/8 tsp. Cream of Tartar
90g sugar
- In a large mixing bowl, add in all of the egg yolk ingredients and mix well till everything is well incorporated and smooth.
- Preheat the oven to 175C.
- In another mixing bowl, add in all the egg white and cream of tartar and beat using a mixer at medium speed till foamy. Without stopping the mixer, gradually add in the sugar and beat till stiff peaks. One way to test if the white is ready, lift the bowl upside down and it won't fall, serious, not joking! ;D
- Gently fold a quarter portion of the white mixture into the yolk mixture till well combined. Then add the yolk mixture to the white mixture and gently fold everything together till all is incorporated.
- Pour the batter into a tube pan (no grease or non stick please) and place in the preheated oven to bake for 30 to 40 minutes. Tester comes out clean and it's ready.
- Remove from oven and immediately invert it to cool. Do not invert/ remove cake from pan until completely cooled.
The cake is light and soft, yet the flavor is strong and refreshingly good. ;) An unusual take in flavor but definitely a pleasant one. ;)
Making this chiffon has kind of reassured me to have the courage to attempt other more "exotic" flavors out there. :) Although I am aware that there are plenty of expert bakers out there with lots of new chiffon flavors, but I am still happy and excited with my chiffon. :) Hope you too can share this little joy and try this recipe out. :) One bite and you will be "floating" on fluffy soft chiffon cloud, lol! Enjoy!

The other bake I want to show you all is this Dark Sugar Wheat Germ Raisin Loaf. I actually made this 3 weeks ago for my family's breakfast. It was a new recipe I worked out adapting from one of the previous bread I made last year, Dark Sugar Whole Wheat Raisin Loaf. Have been wanting to try it out incorporating wheat germ into the bread, so here it is!
Making this chiffon has kind of reassured me to have the courage to attempt other more "exotic" flavors out there. :) Although I am aware that there are plenty of expert bakers out there with lots of new chiffon flavors, but I am still happy and excited with my chiffon. :) Hope you too can share this little joy and try this recipe out. :) One bite and you will be "floating" on fluffy soft chiffon cloud, lol! Enjoy!

Ingredients for Dark Sugar Wheat Germ Loaf:
340g bread flour
84g whole wheat flour
34g wheat germ
50g dark brown sugar
4g instant active yeast
8g salt
30g unsalted butter, room temperature
294ml water
For the detail method, please refer to my Dark Sugar Whole wheat Raisin loaf.
If you noticed the sides of my loaf looks kind of "torn"...well, it's because I used olive oil to grease my bread tin instead of the usual butter. Wonder why it made the loaf stick to the tin?! But I learnt my lesson, will not try that again for sure. ;P
The bread still turned out great despite it's not so attractive exterior. :P My 2 kids didn't even noticed the goodness I added into the bread and they totally enjoyed the loaf, one slice after another. :)
Hope you all will get in the kitchen today and make something for your love ones today...I know I will be later. ;) Take care & have a great week ahead you all! ;)
You're so good at making chiffon cakes! I wish I had your daughter's metabolism. I don't think I can eat that much butter without gaining weight. :)
Hi Bee,
I like your passion fruit chiffon. It's perfectly baked! Very cottony soft sponge! I believe that the passion fruits had given the chiffon the best aroma.
Bee Bee,I simply love pandan chiffon cake, this is the only cake I ate when I was little hahaha...
I hope I am able to try this passion fruit chiffon, my wish is to try bake chiffon in many many different flavours :P. Too bad I am still not able to master the skill of folding batter, I baked a chiffon during Sunday, failed again haiz.... I need sometimes to rebuild my courage heeheehee...
Your chiffon looks so nicely baked, soft and fluffy. I think I really need to pop over your place and 拜你为师!
I love your bread too, can see from screen is very soft texture, very nice leh!
I wanna tell you this too, you always mentioned how good is Valrohna until I cannot resist the temptation and cheong to buy both cocoa powder and 1kg chocolate block, so expensive neh :P. I am so look forward to use it hahaha...
Oh weird, olive oil and the bread sticks?
I use EVOO to oil my pan for focaccia and it was ok.
I love cold butter on breads too.
When the cold butter melts in the mouth, that is when I am in heaven.
I love passionfruits and i believe your passionfruit chiffon must have tasted good. Sometimes i just dont know what to make out of passionfruit besides just eating the pulp straight from the fruit although it taste very sour, sometimes i just make into a drink. Coincidentally, i just posted a passionfruit cheesecake today, you can have a look. One day, i would like to try this too if passionfruits are not hard to get.
Good, soft chiffon! Love the slice of bread with all that butter. Yum!
Btw, I think there's a print error on your chiffon tin measurement - 25 inch?
The chiffon cake and the bread looks so delicous!!!
The chiffon's texture is so fine and the bread looks so tempting...makes me crave for some bread slices.
I'll have try making the passion fruit chiffon cake. Thanks for sharing. :)
Beautiful and tall chiffon you have here, Bee Bee. And not to mention the bread...always soft and delicious. I haven't have anytime to bake for myself lately coz almost all weekends we are occupied. Wish to have your bakes again..:)
Your passion fruit is perfectly baked, which looks light and soft. And your bread too, look super soft & delicious.
Gorgeous texture!
Your passion fruit chiffon looks so pillowy sofy! Yearning for a piece. :P
Lovely texture and a perfect loaf for any day.
Hey, it looks great! Good job :)!
Thanks x3baking. :) You are too nice, I am still learning, and sometimes my chiffon flop too. :P Actually my daughter needs abit of dieting too, getting chubby, lol!
Thanks Grace! Yeah, it's amazing how this little fruit yield such a nice scent. :) I actually checked out your blog too for this passion fruit recipe. Yours was so nice, I'm just too lazy to decorate it, lo! Btw, hope you have a good trip back to Malaysia. Hope to catch with you soon. ;)
Jess my friend, you sure you can Bong teng from work and come my place to bake chiffon or not? Okay, if we do bake together, let's make pandan chiffon! I love pandan chiffon too, but horr these fruit version is very refreshing. :)
Hahaha, you really went to buy Valrohna?! Good for you! Hey, if you calculate the difference from Lindt and this Valrohna in kg package, it's not too much difference. It's value for money I guarantee u. The taste is so intense & chocolaty! I am sooooo looking forward to see you next Valrohna bake post!! Yum yum!
I tried a chiffon cake the other day, but mine turned out a bit dry, I think i cooked it for too long. I should have used your recipe next time, thanks
I wil let u know if I can snake out shhhh.... heeheehee
on for pandan chiffon, this is still my top favourite.
u lor, always tempt me on Valrohna till I am so curious how good it can be. you know curious can kill a cat, now kill my pocket hahaha...
@Wendy: yeah, I can't figure out how come the loaf got stuck in the tin. Perhaps it's the egg wash, don't know. :P You said it lady, not only my daughter, I too love love live cold butter on a warm toast...best comfort breakfast!
@Lena: thanks for coming to my blog and dropping me a comment! Will check out your cheesecake later. :) indeed passionfruits has such nice perfume scent, really a waste not incorporating it in the bakes. I bet cheesecake would be a lovely and delicious option too!
@busygran: thanks thanks! Hahaha, my bad, I meant 25 cm tube pan. But am too busy to even on my laptop now, will ament it when I get the chance, thanks for bringngbit up to me. ;)
Welcome to my blog Jet! Thanks so much for your nice compliment. :) hope you will get to try the chiffon recipe and let me know how it turns out. :) Happy bakes!
@Reese: what are you busy with?? How come no time to bake for yourself?? Business doing so big ah?? Anyway, glad that you still spare a little of your time to drop by my blog. ;) will make something nice for you again the next time we meet yah?
@DG: thank you DG! Saw your recent bread post and saw you made some really soft pork floss buns too! Yum!
@pigspigscorner: thank you so much!
@Amei: thanks!! I can have the chiffon ant time of the day too! Btw, love your new profile pic, so in the wedding mood!!! :D
@Sanjeeta kk: thank you and welcome toy blog! :)
@Cooking Gallery: thanks so much!
I hv never baked chiffon cake using passion fruits before, everytime I come across the passion fruits, I will hv the thoughts of using it to make chiffon cake, but after that I will drop the idea because there are simply too many flavors I want to try... but... one of the day I will bake passion fruits chiffon cake, because I like passion fruits ^_^
Bee, I must self invite myself to your place for tea. hahahaha
@my restaurant Melbourne: thanks! Do try the chiffon recipe, i am sure you will like it. :)
@Jess: Hahaha....didn't mean to make u "kill" ur pocket! But I can assure you that after finishing the 1kg, you will buying more.;) Perhaps we should make Valrohna chiffon cake!!
@neyeeloh: I sure hope you won't pass up the chance to bake a passion fruit cake. Especially since it is in season now... Do try it. The aroma is very very nice, you won't regret it.
@Edith: hahaha.... No need to self invite, you are welcome anytime! Just give me a buzz, you got my number. :)
Love both the chiffon cake and the loaf. I really need to get the chiffon tin as soon as possible.
Bee Bee...great bakes as usual ! I always find it challenging to bake chiffon. I guess I have to work harder on it. It collapses each time I take it out :( Yours look great !
hi Bee, this is such a pretty chiffon! I love the light pastel color the passion fruit gives. btw, i like the 3 humps on your loaf :)
@MaryMoh: yes, you won't regret getting a chiffon tube pan. ;) hope to see your chiffon post soon. :)
Thanks so much Elin. :) But I know you are such a good cook, a chiffon won't be a problem got you. :)
Thanks Jos! Hahaha, I always make 3 humps....maybe u should make 4 next time. More the merrier, heehee!
Hi Bee,
Your chiffon looks really fluffy. I don't really dare to try any exotic flavour of chiffon cause I was afraid of failure. But I think your recipe reassured me !! Thanks Bee
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