Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fresh Cherry FrangipaneTartlets

A couple weeks back, when I saw the nearby grocer having some fresh bing cherries on sale, I grabbed a couple of punnets without hesitation. :)) Somehow eating this fruit just brings back some nostalgic memories of my past life in California. Going to the cherry orchard and plugging those ruby red fruits fresh from the trees....and straight to my mouth, heehee. I also remember baking cherry pies and jams...such a luxury since it's so abundantly available there in CA. However back in Asia, it's so scare to see it selling in the grocer and it's usually pretty expensive. :P Anyway, I have this lovely and delicious recipe that uses fresh bing cherries which has become my family favorite; its Fresh Cherry Frangipane Tartlets.
These tartlets might not look scrumptious to you but once you take a bite, you would wish you have baked a dozen more!
The cherries had retained its juices during the baking and combining it with the soft cake like frangipane filling which is both nutty and creamy, its such a wonderful combination! Not forgetting the flaky and buttery pastry tart crust encasing all these....yum yum!

Ingredients for Fresh Cherry Frangipane Tarlets: (makes about 10)
Pastry tart : Please refer to my Fresh Strawberry Vanilla Custard Cream tarts.

Frangipane filling:
120g butter, soften
120g icing sugar, sifted
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 tbsp cake flour
165g finely ground almond meal
1 cup of fresh bing cherries, pitted and halved
Some chopped chocolate (optional)
  1. In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter, icing sugar and vanilla together till well combined
  2. Add the first egg and beat well. Then crack the 2nd egg in and continue to beat till mixed in.
  3. Then add in the flour and almond meal into the egg mixture and combine well.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180C and take out the tart pastry that has been pressed into the greased tart tin shells. Please refer to my Fresh Strawberry Vanilla Custard Cream tarts for the steps on making the tart pastry. Note that no pre-baking is needed for the pastry tarts in this recipe.
  5. (Optional but it'll definitely taste better) Sprinkle about 1/2 tsp amount of chopped chocolate at the base of the pastry tarts.
  6. Spoon the frangipane filling into the pastry tarts and fill it about 2/3 full. Then press in 4 cherry halves in to the filling. Repeat till all the tart shells' been filled.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes till the top is golden brown and the tester comes out clean.

I got really good reviews for this tartlet when I gave some to my sister, parents and in-laws. They were actually asking for more but I couldn't find any more bing cherries in the nearby grocer anymore. :P Looks like the super short "season" is over. :P I was thinking to myself should I freeze some cherries next time but wonder if the taste of the tartlets will be the same. :P Oh well...we'll see. :)

Okay, gonna keep this short and will post again very soon. ;)
Have a good day all!


shaz said...

Looks like a perfect afternoon treat. Love cherries in baked goodies. Reminds me of Christmas some how. Dun know why :)
Have a great week ahead!

WendyinKK said...

Cherries there are like papayas here and vice versa. LOL.
So long I didn't bake any frangipanne tarts...... missed them.

My Little Space said...

Hmm..mm... yumm... Love after baked cherries. They tasted much better. Btw, your mini pie are such cuties. Hope you're having a lovely evening.

ann low said...

Bee, I love blueberries and this is definitely my favorite... so yummy, can't wait to try it :)

ICook4Fun said...

Cherries are in season now and can get plenty of it. I love cherries when they are freash but not a fan of it in my bakes. It reminds me of eating cough syrup. I actually never try baking frangipanne before. Maybe it is time to make some. Thanks for the sharing Bee.

Yummy Bakes said...

Look perfect for afternoon tea. I must find time to try this out. Thanks for sharing.

ReeseKitchen said...

Oh...I'm having my breakfast now while reading your post...how I wish I can have one with my coffee!! Looks really yummy...:)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

courier some for me please, look so yummy! ^^

Kitchen Corner said...

I hardly resist fragipane tart, no matter what fruits go with it. This no doubt very yummy tart, yum yum!!!

Edith said...

You are right Bee. I think this is really a super short season. One moment you see it and the next moment you can't.

The textures looks really good. Will try this with other toppings.

Thanks for sharing.

CaThY said...

Looks so inviting! Yummy! ;)

Anonymous said...

I also manage to grab few punnets of cherries when they were on sales, my kids love it, that is why nothing left for me to bake anything ^_^

Janine said...

Mmmm I've seen the cherries on sale lately and have been buying quite a few to consume but your recipe looks like a good alternative for my cherries - love that they retain their shapes after baking!

Jo said...

Looks gorgeous and I would love to try a cherry tart too! Been seeing cherries in the local supermarkets lately, guess they are now in season.

DG said...

Who said those tartlets might not look scrumptious to me? Yes yes I love to try this, thanks for sharing with us Bee Bee :)

Angie's Recipes said...

I love frangipane and could easily finish a few of those tartlets.

Zoe said...

These tarts are so moist and beautiful. With my favourite cherries, I can't help drooling when I read your post.

jasmine said...

Have been a silent reader for quite a while. Made this tarts last night, it was fabulous! Flaky crust outside with moist interior. Never tasted so good. Excellent recipe. Thank you for sharing.

lena said...

i hear abt franginpane but dont really know what is it until i just googled that...i bet this is really delicious just like you described that, a creamy almond meal filling in a tartand yours with added choc too!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Thanks for dropping by shaz! Oh yes, me too, I love cherries either fresh or baked. Perhaps the ruby red color just brings some Xmas feelings? Hope you have a good week too!

Wendy... I think cannot compare with papaya lah...papaya here is all year round but cherries even in States is seasonal. :P Maybe mangosteen? Lol!

Thanks Kristy! Actually if you have tasted freshly picked cherries from a tree, you'll think otherwise. :) I never knew fresh cherries can taste so good too until I went cherry picking years back. But yes! Baked cherries are mellower in taste...gotta love them. ;)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Ann... Think u misread my post...it's cherries, heehee!

Gert....really? Cough syrup? Yeah, I remember my kids used to hate cherry flavored medication in States, lol! But trust me, this tart is really good...

Thanks for visiting yummy bakes! Oh yes, try it! Let me know how you like it ok?

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Reese, you should try baking this! I'm so sure you and your family will love this...guarantee! Come have breakfast with me lah...will bake half a dozen for u, lol!

Sure can Sonia! But u haven't give me your mailing address yet?! Lol!

Grace, I think you and your hubby will love this. Okay, hopefully I can find more cherries and bake some for u when u get back. :))

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Thanks Edith for coming by. :) actually I think it will still taste wonderful if you use other stone fruits...try plum or peaches...should be really good too. :)

Thanks Cathy!

Really? My kids ate up a punnet too, but hid one so that I can bake this, lol! And they still devoured the tarts no problem, lol!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Thanks for dropping by Jannie! Oh yes, this is actually a good recipe to use if you are kind of tired of just munching on the fruit itself....definitely a good tea time snack. Hope you'll try it out. :)

Jo, you saw the cherries? Where? I thought the season is almost over? Okay, I will go scout for some tomorrow...wish me luck!

Lol! Thanks for trusting me Doris!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Thanks Angie! Really? Me too! Lol!

Try baking them Zoe, it's really yum...trust me. :)

Thanks Jasmine! So glad you tried and love it! Do drop by again soon! :)

Thanks Lena! Heehee, yeah, everything taste much better wight chocolate mah, don't you think so? Heehee!