I was elated when these 6 lovely loops came out from the oven. All nice and golden brown, yum! This is really something you can't get from your local bakery in Singapore...as far as I know.
As you can see, I sprinkled 2 different kind of sesame over the bagels. Although the taste doesn't differ at all, it just makes the bread looks good. :)
Interested to know my recipe? Here it is:
Ingredients for Sesame Egg Bagels:
1 large russet potatoes, (90 to 125g), peeled and cubed
1 & 1/4 cup (312ml) water
1 packet (2.5 tsp) active dry yeast
30ml vegetable oil
2 large egg, room temperature
650g plain flour
1.5 tsp salt
egg wash
sesame seeds for sprinkling
I sliced open one once it was out of the oven. :) Crusty outside and soft inside...yummy!
I spread on some lox (smoke salmon) cream cheese on it and munched away, lol! Apologies for the poor quality of this photo. :P Anyway, I hope you all that like bagels will also try out this recipe. If you can't finish all the bagels, just refrigerate up to a week or freeze up to a month. Toast it up in the oven before serving...remember to get your favorite spread of course. ;) Bon appetito all!

As you can see, I sprinkled 2 different kind of sesame over the bagels. Although the taste doesn't differ at all, it just makes the bread looks good. :)
Interested to know my recipe? Here it is:
Ingredients for Sesame Egg Bagels:
1 large russet potatoes, (90 to 125g), peeled and cubed
1 & 1/4 cup (312ml) water
1 packet (2.5 tsp) active dry yeast
30ml vegetable oil
2 large egg, room temperature
650g plain flour
1.5 tsp salt
egg wash
sesame seeds for sprinkling
- Cook the potatoes in the water and bring to a boil. Cook till the potatoes are fork-tender, about 8 to 10 minutes, reserve the water. Let cool till lukewarm.
- Measure 1 cup (250ml) of the potato water and pour it into a large mixing bowl. Add yeast, oil and eggs and whisk till well combined.
- Add in the flour and salt, knead mixture till it becomes a soft dough. Continue to knead the dough till it is elastic and non sticky, about 5 to 7 minutes.
- Placed the dough in oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap and let proof for at least 1hr or till the dough doubles in volume.
- Punch out the air and turn out on a lightly floured surface. Cut the dough into 6 equal parts. Roll round and cover to rest for another 10 minutes before shaping.
- Take a portion of the dough and using your palms, roll each piece into a rope of about 10". Using the heel of your hand, flatten 1" of one end of the robe (See Step A). Form each bagel by overlapping the flat end of the rope over 1" of the round end (See Step B).
- Pinch together to seal. Repeat till all the bagels are formed and place them on a lightly floured surface. Cover and let proof for another 15 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 210C and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
- Fill a large pot with about 3/4 full of water and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to a simmer and lower 3 of the bagels in the water. Do not overcrowd them as they might loose their shapes. Simmer for 1 minutes and turn them over to simmer 1 more minute. Transfer the bagels on the prepared baking tray, spacing about 1" apart and repeat the boiling for the remaining 3 bagels.
- Brush the bagels with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
- Bake in the oven till golden brown for 25 minutes. Transfer to rack to cool completely before serving.
I sliced open one once it was out of the oven. :) Crusty outside and soft inside...yummy!
I spread on some lox (smoke salmon) cream cheese on it and munched away, lol! Apologies for the poor quality of this photo. :P Anyway, I hope you all that like bagels will also try out this recipe. If you can't finish all the bagels, just refrigerate up to a week or freeze up to a month. Toast it up in the oven before serving...remember to get your favorite spread of course. ;) Bon appetito all!

Hello Bee,
I'm not sure to understand: you do not use the potatoes but only the cooking water ? Thank you.
WOW Bee Bee! Those bages look so nicely done. I had tried once but the bagels I made was as hard as stone...hahaa..
Wah you are so hardworking. You even make your own bagel. Hubby and I also like eating this once a while. I like mine with cream cheese too. I guess it is not easy to find bagels in S'pore just like us here it is difficult to find Ham Chim Peng :)
I share the exact sentiments...from not knowing why people like such chewy bread the first time I tried it, to falling in love with them after I had really good ones in CA...to trying to look for them in local bakery (fat hope actually). The only difference is, I am not able to bake good ones at home ;')
Your homemade bagels look so good! I will eat it with just some cream cheese and a cup of coffee.
Thanks Anncoo. I guess the kneading of the dough plays an important part. Mine was a pretty soft dough after mixing, i had to knead till elastic. Do try it out again, good luck!
Hi Pascal, yes indeed we only require the water used for boiling the potatoes. After the potatoes are boiled, some of it's starch is released in to the water. So essentially, we only require the water, not the potato itself. Good question & not to worry, I did not waste the potatoes, I used it for another bread recipe.
Haha, thanks Gert. If you are back in Asia, you would miss it like I do. So making it is actually not a hustle but to be able to enjoy fresh bagels again. Talking about HAm Chim Peng, I am also dying to try it.... Even though I can get it for 60 cents a piece here at my market, lol!
Thanks HHB! I can see you are just like me, heehee. Come over my place, we can have some toasted bagels with cold cream cheese over a cup of Jo. ;)
We have bagels all over here too! I love them with capers, salmon and cold Camembert slices, they amazingly chewy but very delicious in flavour! Yours look perfect HBS!
Hi Bee,
I like Bagels, it has its unique texture. People who like it will fall in love with it, people don't like it, it's no way for them to accept it. I like eating bagels as sandwich with ham, cheese, salad etc. Your bagel looks really good, nothing can beat homemade one!
I never had it with cream cheese before, instead I eat with sambal ikan bilis (haha.. bagel is really an easy-going kind of bread)
Your bagels look very delicious. I've seen bagel recipes on many baking books. Don't dare to try making it cos I have never tasted bagels and will never get to know my standard. Any place to recommend good bagels in Singapore, I know it's hard to find. ;)
Thanks Quinn. ;) I guess bagels are more commonly found in Caucasian countries since it is one of their most favorite bread. Capers, salmon and Camembert...sounds super yummy lunch!
Hi neyeeloh,
Haha, interesting way of eating bagels! Perhaps I should try it when I get some ikan bilis! Oh yes, a very versatile bread indeed.
Thanks so much Grace! I knew you like bagels. ;) Looking at your bread baking "history", you did bagels twice and both so lovely! Next time will try your blueberry bagel recipe. ;)
Hi Small Small Baker,
Actually I am looking for a good Bagel store myself, lol! All I can find in Singapore are in Cold Storage or NTUC Finest bread self section...already not so fresh. :P Maybe can try Starbucks or Coffeebean...maybe they have. I remember I saw some in the US's ones. Will keep you posted if there is yah?
Hey Bee Bee, this is another one I didn't try before...;p That's why I'm not so sure how's the texture is..heehee..;p Did you make this when you are here? How I wish I can try..;)
Hahaha no larr Reese, I didn't make it in Malaysia. But I wished I did. :P From my point of view, I think you will like this leh, heehee. But only freshly baked will be nice, the following day will be chewy texture, need to toast. :) No worries, I am sure you will get to try it, whether it is from me or some nice bakery.
I know this but never have chance to try it, Thanks for sharing this lovely and detail recipe, immediate bookmark and will try soon.
You are most welcome Sonia. Glad that you are interested to try it out. Let me know how you like it. ;)
Perfectly baked! Miss some bagel sandwiches!
Thanks Angie. I wish I made more too! ;)
WOW, Got to try this out, been having bagels almost every Saturday at Au Bon Pain, Bangkok. They do serve good bagels, try it out when you are in Bangkok.
Never eaten bagels, hope that I get to try some next year :)
Hi Serene, let me know how the bagels turn out okay. Happy baking. ;)
Hi Wendy, it's quite a nice bread. Hope you will like it. If you are in West coast USA next time, try Noah Bagels, it's yummy!
Bagels looked good! I tried to make it once but it turned out hard as stone and very sticky even tough I ensured they reached elastic stage.
I usually have mine at Spinelli's. Decent bagels I think but definitely expensive compared to homemade ones. Go try!
Bee Bee, I cant remember I try bagel b4 but after looking at your bagel, I decided to shd go get some to try cos looks simply delicious!
This is a healthy donut version to me :) I ever made something similar, but just in fried instead of bake. http://testedandtasted.blogspot.com/search/label/donuts
Last week, finally I tried out 'No Bake Oreo Cheesecake' that you shared few months ago, we all love it. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Here, I would like to share 2 awards with you, please feel free to collect it from my blog :)
Hi Ronni, it is true that bagels are not easy to make. But if you try again, you might get it next time. Oh really? Spinelli's has good bagels? Will definitely try it out when I go there next time. Thanks!
Hi Jess, you will like bagels if you like bread in general. I love all kind of breads, so I will try anything, haha! Do try it out next time when you get a chance yah?
Thanks DG! So happy that you think of me when you got the award. ;) And I am also glad that you and your family love the No-bake Oreo Cheesecake. ;) have a super weekend!
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