Another week is almost over now and again it was very busy one for me. Nowadays I have to plan my time properly in order to have some time off for myself. Not complaining here, I do find some kind of satisfaction at the end of the day seeing everything is done and in order. Take today for example, after chauffeuring my kids to school, I went ahead to do my grocery. I then I come home to cook Spaghetti for my kids' lunch. Before I know it, it was time for me to pick my kids back from school. Back home, I then proceed to make Mango Sago with Pamelo desert so that I can bring to my mum's tomorrow. I then made steam yam kueh for my family's breakfast tomorrow. (At the same time I was doing revision with my girl) Immediately after, I start to prep for dinner. After a couple of hours of boiling and sauteing, dinner was ready by 5pm. Not wasting anytime, I quickly wash and clean up the house, i.e. vacuum and mop up the whole house. *Phew*
My post today is yet another simple cake that anyone can make at home. Passion Fruit Sour Cream Cake. YUM! Another passion fruit recipe...well because my mother is such a fan of passion fruit, I decided to make another cake with it for her. I actually made this over the weekend since I was gonna meet my parents for lunch.
Love the golden color, doesn't it just cheer you up a little? Made it into 2 small loaves but should be able to fill a 10 cup bundt cake pan. This recipe is actually adapted from my previous passion fruit recipe. ;)
Ingredients for Passion Fruit Sour Cream Cake:
300g plain flour
225g caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda
220g unsalted butter, room temperature
4 eggs
100g low fat sour cream
70ml fresh milk
Juice of 4 passion fruits
pinch of salt
- Preheat the oven to 180°C. Butter and line a loaf tin with parchment paper and butter it again. (I used a 7" by 3.5" loaf tin )
- In a mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar together till light and fluffy.
- Add eggs, one at a time till well mixed in.
- Add in yogurt and stir till incorporated. Then add in the passion fruit juice and mix well.
- Add in flour, baking powder and salt and stir till just blend in.
- Pour the cake batter into the loaf tin and bake for 40 to 45 mins or till the cake tester comes out clean.
- Cool on rack before slicing.
If you have used passion fruit before, you know the smell will perfume your whole house once the bake is one.
The cake turned out nice and buttery soft plus it's very fragrant. It's so simple to whip up, you just need a little over 1hr to get it done. :) A great gift to family and friends with out too much hassle. Not forgetting to make more and enjoy it yourself of course. A good slice and all you need is a cup of your favorite warm beverage to go with it.....mmmm, pure enjoyment. :) My parents enjoyed this cake very much. Note that I have reduce the sugar quite a bit, so feel free to add more to suit your taste.
A shot of the tender golden crumbs. Hope I have moved you to try this recipe out. Be quick about it since the passion fruit season is almost over. But most importantly, have fun baking it!! Cheerio! Have an early happy weekend!

I love passion fruit too! I want to bookmark this and make it soon. Thank you :)
I've never baked with passionfruit.
I think I've only seen the fresh fruit once.
You are a super woman, Bee Bee...:) I used to do like you sometimes, only "sometimes"..haha!
Hey, passion fruit is my favourite too, but I didn't try to bake with it. I will after reading yours..:) Thank you!
passionfruit is one of my favourite to bake with. and in a cake, even better!
Such a nice cake! May I ask how did you get such pretty yellow colour? Is it due to the passion fruit?
Yum...your cake look very moist. Will try making this too :D
Bee Bee, what's more can I say? You never fail to tempt me, another recipe need to go into my to bake list :).
gosh! this looks so moist and fluffy!
It is good to have a routine- routine is the weight that keeps things real and grounded. However, it is also important to break out of routine every so often to keep things fresh and interesting... and I am sure that you have a healthy dose of that as well....I am the tangy taste of this passion fruit sour cream cake would be great for tea.
I love the curvy crack on top! And what a lovely golden hue the cake has! Adding to to-do-list.
this look delicious! looks so soft and moist to me! thanks for sharing honey bee =)
Very nice loaf of cakes! No doubt, the taste must be very nice with the passion fruit added in. Thanks for sharing! this refreshing passionfruit sour cream cake. Hard to get passionfruits over here. Seasonal fruits...hope can get some from the supermarket this weekend :) yours looks so moist and the texture looks great !
quite hard to get passionfruit, next time if i see it, must buy some to make this cake.thanks for sharing.
@Ann: You are most welcome Ann. Hope you like this recipe. Be sure to increase the sugar amount if you want it slightly sweeter. :)
@Wendy: You can try Cold Storage, I think I have seen them selling while I was in Malaysia. Good Luck!
@Reese: No larr, I am a super-woman want to be, lol! You know that grocer near your office that we go all the time last time? They sell passion fruits, go get them before season is over yah. Hope you like this recipe. ;)
@My Restaurants Melbourne: Thanks for dropping by again. ;) Do try this simple cake out, I think you will like it.
@Meldylocks and Her Three Bears: Oh yes, the yellow is purely from the passion fruit juice. I didn't add any coloring...nice right? And the best is its all natural. :)
@Zoe: Thanks for dropping by. ;) Let me know how yours turned out ok?
@Jess: Just saw your lemon yogurt cake nice and bright yellow too! Okay, if you try this, remember to taste test before sending it to the oven...mine is less sweet version.
@Edith: Thanks my friend!
@Shirley: Thanks for your advice. You know I am so used to been busy, it actually feels weird when I am free with nothing to do?! So you can imagine I am that kind of person that cannot seat still, lol! Yeah, I think I due for a Spa or manicure session!
@busygran: Thanks so much. :) Hope you like this cake.
@jess @ j3ss kitch3n: You are most welcome! Thanks for dropping by. ;)
@Grace: How was your trip back to Malaysia? Hope it was a fun and fruitful one. Anyway, hope to catch with you soon. ;)
@Elin: Thanks for dropping by. ;) Oh yes, this is indeed a refreshing recipe. I was thinking of adding some lemon zest to it to lift it up even more but worry the zest will over power and musk the passion fruit taste. Try Cold storage, they should have some on sale.
@Sonia: Like I told Elin, try Cold Storage, they should have it. Hope you like this cake. :)
I love the texture of this cake. Too bad I can't buy passion fruits here. Maybe I can replace it with something else. Any suggestions?
Can i know how to get the passionfruit juice? Beacause when cut open the fruit, it only have the seeds and very little juice in it. And did you include the seeds too or discard it?
These loaves look great. I've never baked with passion fruit but I would like to try this.
Plan B
Excellent! I love the use of sour cream in the cake!
I have never used passion fruit for baking. What a great idea...!!
Beautiful texture for this soft and moist bread. Lovely clicks.
Hi Bee Bee,
Thanks for the recipe, I made this cake yesterday. It was soooooooooooo yummy, cant stop at one slice. Not enuf! haha!! So addictive.
Hi Gert, I bet you know that any fragrant fruit can replace this. My suggestion will be either raspberry or mangoes. Raspberries are soo expensive in Asia, so if you can take the opportunity of using raspberry when the season'll be perfect. Let me know if you do try it with another fruit....sounds like fun!
Hi Max,
After you cut the passion fruit into half, scrap out the pulp in the fruit and place it on a fine sieve. Gently press the pulp using a spoon and press out the juice from the pulp and let drip through the sieve into a bowl. 4 medium size passion fruit should yield at least 100ml. :)
Thanks so much for dropping by Chef Bee. Hope you will like this recipe. :)
Thanks Angie...I love the sour cream too, yummy, heehee. :D
Thanks Cooking Gallery. :)Actually passion fruit is so fragrant, it can be used in many ways...jam and even in savory dishes. ;) I guess it's always fun to explore new flavors right?
Thanks for dropping by Sanjeeta kk. ;)
Hi SL, thanks for dropping by and letting me know about this. ;) So happy that you like the passion fruit aromatic and nice right! Happy baking!
Yea, been seeing passion fruit everywhere ... from pasar malam to supermarkets. Though uber tart, I love the scent of passion fruit! Addictive! I wish I can have both a whiff and slice of your cake! The sour cream should contribute a lot to the moistness of the cake.
Bee Bee, don't overtire yourself yea? I myself am feeling on the edge of getting burned out. That's why I'm taking things in this virtual world at my pace. I don't wanna go insane ... Take care!
Btw, I saw your comment on Gert's. Hmmm ... So far, the Pullman loaf pan I got from Bake With Yen at Tmn. Megah has been working well ... Been around for 1+ years. As of now, I'm still happy with it la ... How does it affect your bread? The crust turns out less golden brown? I know, probably due to the material used to make the pan. I once wanted to buy Pullman loaf pan when I was in the States via Amazon or eBay. When I looked at the prices offered, my jaws dropped. That was when I gave up on that thought. Too pricey for me ... though I've gotta admit the quality is darn good! And, I was in Minnesota ... The state isn't as "exciting" as California ... HAHA! Just my two cents. I hope no Minnesotans will come across these words of mine ... LOL!
Take care once again! Hope to see you again! Have a safe trip to CA!
Hi Pei-lin!
Good to hear from you again. :) About that pullman loaf pan, hmmm...where should I start? There are several occasions that the loaf got stuck on the sides and I have a real hard time to remove the loaf out. I literally used a knife scraping the sides and yet still can't come out! At first I thought it's the egg wash or the bread recipe. But after several times, it just keep happening again...*sigh* And don't get me started on the washing of the corners...sooo hard to reach and wash clean. :P And my loaf pan is already going out of shape, lol! Looks like I might have over-worked my pan...that's why I need a tougher version. ;) Sorry didn't mean to 浦你冷水 on this matter, don't think too much into my comment yah, heehee。 :p
Hey, this is a free world! We should speak our minds. No worries! Actually, hadn't you shared your experience with me and Gert, I wouldn't have known it. It's good to know the other side of the story. You have never 潑水給我啦 ... LOL!
Now, what happened to you hasn't really happened to me. I dunno why leh ... I always smear the sides of pan with shortening/margarine heavily. If I were to apply egg wash, it'd be just for the top of the loaf. I still can handle the washing part. If there are stubborn pieces of the bread that refuse to come out, I'll soak the pan and its lid in water for a while before washing again. Warm water helps a lot.
Watch out, I'm sure mine will be overworked in a matter of time ... since we are bread machines. LOL! I was just curious about what happened to your loaf pan. That was why I asked. Now that I know. I can pay more attention to mine, though, I know eventually it will be worn out.
Take care! =)
Sounds like you have quite the hectic life. Lovely cake!!
I have not tried this before but can only image the flavors being delicious. The cake looks absolutely moist as well. Must have been yummu!
this sounds and looks so delicious!!
Thanks for guiding me how to get the juice and i had try to bake the cake, the colour was very nice but there was no taste of passion fruit...:( Any idea what is wrong?
Hi Max, did you at least manage to get 75ml of passion fruit juice out of the 4 fruits? I believe it should be very fragrant... Sorry I am really puzzled too. If you have at least extracted that amount if juice, the cake shots be perfumed with passion fruit scent, overpowering the spur cream, butter etc. Anyway, hope you will figure what went wrong. Sorry can't be of much help.
I've baked this cake with your recipe and has created a blog post for this bake with a link to your post. This cake is very yummy and I would like to thank you so much for sharing this recipe.
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