Recipe for Chocolate Swiss Roll (modified to suit my tray size)
Set A:
37g unsalted butter
120g egg yolk (about 7)
37g caster sugar
30g unsweetened cocoa powder
30ml ice water
Set B:
180g egg white
90g caster sugar
34g Cake flour
34g plain flour
120ml fresh whipping cream, whipped
80g semisweet chocolate, melted (must be slight warm when used)
~6 to 8 fresh strawberries
- Melt the butter from Set A under double boiler and let cool until needed.
- Line a baking tray with parchment paper and greased it again. Preheat oven to 170C.
- Picture 1: Again under double boiler, beat the egg yolks and sugar (from Set A) till triple in volume and thickens as shown in Picture 2.
- Picture 3: Sift the cocoa powder into the thicken egg yolk mixture and mix gently, making sure it is not deflated. Then add in the ice water and stir in gently till combined.
- At the meantime, beat the egg white with gradual addition of the sugar in Set B and beat till mixture is stiff peaks.
- Picture 4: In 3 separate portions, add the egg whites into the yolk mixture, folding gently till all is added in.
- Picture 5: Sift in the flours in 3 separate portions as well, using the electric mixer at its lowest speed. Do this till there is no visible lumps of flour and making sure not over beating and deflating the mixture.
- Take about 2 tbsp worth of the batter and mix into the melted, cooled butter. Make sure it is well mixed and then add it back to the cake batter and gently stir to blend.
- Picture 7: Finally, pour the batter into the baking tray and level out with a scraper.
- Picture 8: Then bake in the oven for 12 minutes or till tester comes out clean.
- Add the warm chocolate to the whipped cream id desired to make chocolate cream and spread the filling evenly on the cake once it is completely cooled. Place the fresh strawberries at one end of the cake and roll it up from the end where the strawberries are and chill it for at least 30 minutes before slicing.
As you can see, my Swiss roll was a bit of a rough work. :P I was again rushing to finish it off in that 2 hours time frame (plus all that photo taking. :P) But coating the roll with chocolate rice was a great idea...some how it gives me a nostalgic feeling every time I have chocolate rice, lol! It reminds me of all those cakes from those traditional bakeries we used to eat during childhood. :)) So sharing this classic cake with my old friends was just perfect don't you think?
Okay all, gotta run. Hope you have a good week ahead. Cheerio!!