Another week gone, and I am still slacking! I really need to get my momentum going on my posting. I have not been blogging much but I have been more active on my new "passion"....Instagram, lol! If you are too an Instagram user, do come look for me and search for "honeybeesweet88" and you will find me. :P Do drop me a comment if you find me there ya?
Okay, back to my posting. It's been more then a month since my last bread post...geese, so unlike me! Lol! Anyway, I bake bread at least once a week...but this particular recipe has been my favorite lately. After my "Snake buns" episode, I decided to bake something fun again this time...piggy buns!!! *Oink* (ok, it's not a hint about my personality ah, lol!)
I just love these chubby-face piggies, haha! I had fun fun fun making them too! My kids were picking off their eyes, ears and snout when they eat their piggies, haha! This recipe is pretty much similar to the multigrain snake buns I posted earlier. But instead of almond+walnut+oats puree, I used almond+brown rice and wholewheat. :) But I do apologise that I didn't get to snap any pictures while I was shaping the piggies. :P But its not too on. :P
Ingredients for Healthy Piggy Buns (recipe by HoneyBeeSweets)
5 slices of think ham, cut into small squares
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp powder sugar
- Boil the potatoes in a pot of water till it is fork tender. Scoop out and mash well.
- Then mix together with the rest of the ingredients and set aside for the buns later.
420g bread flour
55g brown rice powder/ flour (you can sub this with rice flour)
55g brown rice powder/ flour (you can sub this with rice flour)
40g wholewheat flour (I used Prima)
50g caster sugar
6g salt
7g instant active yeast
150g almond+brown rice puree (I got this from my soymilk machine, you can use okara too)
160ml fresh milk
200ml water (+- 15 ml ; add as per needed )
30g unsalted butter 50g caster sugar
6g salt
7g instant active yeast
150g almond+brown rice puree (I got this from my soymilk machine, you can use okara too)
160ml fresh milk
200ml water (+- 15 ml ; add as per needed )
3 slices of kraft cheese, cut into 4 squares in each slice (yields 12 small squares)
some mini chocolate chips for eyes
- In a large mixing bowl, add in all the ingredients except the butter. Stir and mix till everything comes together to form a pliable dough.
- Continue kneading till the dough becomes elastic and pulls away from the side of the bowl and not sticky anymore.
- Add in the butter and continue to knead till it reaches window stage.
- Place the dough into a greased bowl and cover to let proof for 1.5-2hrs till it doubled in size.
- Punch out the air and divide the dough into 50g & 18g portions. (Note: I made ~9 piggy buns & a plain loaf (9x4x5).)
- First take the pig head, take a 50g portion and roll flat into a flat disc shape. Place one cheese square at the center, then 30g of the filling over the cheese. Seal up the edges into a roll ball.Then using your palm, press it down slightly to make it a slightly flat for more face "area".
- Take the 18g portion, divide into 5g, 5g & 8g. The two 5g are for the ears and the 8g for the snout. Roll round and stick the snout and ears on the main face dough surface.
- Using tooth pick, dip it in some cooking oil (prevent sticking) then poke the nose to create the nostrils. For the ears, use kitchen scissors to snip the lower end to create an opening.
- Lastly stick 2 mini chocolate chips above the snout to make the eyes. Let it proof for at least 15 minutes and preheat the oven to 175C.
- Then bake these buns in the preheated oven for 13-15 minutes till slight golden brown.
I really love the filling! I wondered why I never use that combination before, lol!
With the remaining dough, I made a plain loaf as well. :) I guess I can just let the pictures do all the talking ya? :D
Hope this recipe will also become a favorite for you and your family too. And have fun baking those piggy heads too! :) Have a fantastic day everyone!
鲸鱼老师,其实Instagram 只是手机的一个应用陈序(App)。你就是把照的相片post 在你的Instagram户口。Instagram用者就用label tags or hash tags (#)来找他们想看的照片。如我要找面包的照片,我就用#bread,一系列关于面包的照片就会出现。喜欢就like,要不也可以做某某人的follower。你下载来式式看,还蛮好玩的。:))
Your kids must be delighted everytime you bake for them, what more such cute bakes like this! I wanna be a child again. LOL!
Wow,what an excellent way to tempt kids to eat this healthy bread. Your oink oink are so cute. Must try in the future!
Almond bread sounds delicious. My family loves these potato filled buns! Will try this almond dough out.
Hi Hui! These piggies are so so cute!
Hmmm... I'm tempted to go into instagram now...
Bee, I saw many friends using instagram but I'm to it. Still 'blur blur'... hahaa
Anyway I love your piggy buns, so cute and of course very yummy lol!
Haha Bee.. Sorry for calling u Hui... I must be very tired after a long day in the office... I called Mel ... Yen!
Baby Sumo, you know I'm feeling like a kid myself when I'm making these, lol! It's like messing with playdough
Thanks Jessie! Yeah but my kids aren't too impress...guess they are quite used to their mummy playing around in the kitchen and coming up with stuff like these, lol! Lucky fellows! Lol!
Yes Mich, next time when you bake bread, try adding almond (ground) or puréed, it'll make it yummier!
Ann, I was quite blur about IG too but it was quite addictive once I got the hang if it! It's fun getting likes & followers, lol! And it's so much easier then blogging, seriously! But of course I won't stop blogging...but might be even slower with my posts. (~_~;)
Hahaha! For a moment I was like "huh... Who is hui?" But since smart phones/iPads nowadays have this autocorrection feature, I just thought your speedy fingers typed too fast and missed out the "correction" it made for u. But thanks for taking the trouble to come back to clarify my friend! Have a great weekend ahead! 👍👍👍
Bee, your piggy buns are so cute, wish I am your daughter lol. The fillings are interesting, I am sure I will love it too.
Both loaf and piggy buns are great, esp. the piggy vivid and adorable.
my daughter just helped me to install instagram on my phone, but i have no time to look look, hehehe..I envy you are able to make bread, i have so long did not make any bread..busy busy and lazy lazy, hahaha..
* oink oink* hehe..really cute..i feel like pinching their nose off! bee, are you busy tapping instagram now? hehe.. come back, you need to change your " ingredients for healthy cinnamon buns" in your post..LOL!
Hi Bee,
I didn't like the ownership issue of instagram and prefer to avoid it further due to privacy issue. Sorry that I can't really check you out at instagram :(
Your piggy buns look really cute. can you make them into angry birds? My son will happy if I can make angry birds buns for him :D
Wow!!! Your piggy bread look awesome and all your bakes on bread has never failed to make us drool...... :)
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