Friday, September 9, 2011

Fish shaped Mooncakes (小鱼月饼)

I hope everyone is doing well. :) As for me, tied down as usual with kids and the house. Strange that I actually got more busy these few days, even though its the school holidays. But I was still glad that I managed to squeeze out some time to bake mooncakes. And since I didn't want to bake the same old stuff again, I consulted my better half on what he likes best. After his feedback, I decided to try baking traditional mooncakes for once. But hold up, I don't own a single mooncake in the world will I bake a traditional mooncake? -_-'' Buy? Err...., really out of the way to just go get a mold. :P *sigh* I almost gave up the idea when I happened to come across a fellow blogger's post, 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝‘s ingenious idea of how she uses a egg mold from DAISO. :)) Without hesitation, I borrowed her idea and these fishes are born:
Yes, it's pure coincidence that I own this mold too! And I have to say it is truly a handy little tool, it was very easy to use and the mooncake dough dislodge easily. Cool! Guess I didn't really need a mooncake mold after all,....well at least for this year. :D
I have used the recipe that Anncoo has posted recently, thanks Ann! :) Considering the first time, I'm pretty please with the result, heehee *thick skin*. :D

Ingredients for traditional mooncakes : (makes 12 mini fish shaped mooncakes)
225g Hong Kong flour (sifted)
134g golden syrup
4.5g Alkaline water
56g vegetable oil
120g Lotus paste
120g Red Bean Paste
  • Measure out the golden syrup, alkaline water and vegetable oil in a small bowl and mix well.
  • In a large bowl, add sifted Hong Kong flour, make a well and add in the golden syrup mixture. Stir well and gradually will form a soft pliable dough. Cover and let rest for 20 mins.
  • Lightly dust some Hong Kong flour on table. Then divide the dough equally into 12 portions of 34g.
  • Also measure out six 36g of red bean paste portion and six 36g of lotus paste filling.
  • Wrap each filling portion inside a dough portion and lightly dust the ball with some flour and place it into the mold. Gently and carefully press the mold to form the desired shape.
  • To dislodge the mooncake, gently push out the unbaked mooncake on the lined baking tray.
  • Baked in preheated oven 180C for 5 mins and rest to cool down (about 10 mins) before egg wash mooncake with a soft brush and bake for another 10 mins at 175C.
I will be submitting this to this month's Aspiring Baker's #11 "Mid-Autumn Treats!" hosted by Happy Home Bakers. Thanks for hosting HHB!

Okay folks, its getting late, signing off now. Cheers!


  1. WOW! This is so creative, cute and pretty! Thumbs UP!

  2. that's really creative - using an egg mould! and they look so cute too, I'd definitely gobble a few ;p

  3. Pretty!! I'm not in the mood of baking any mooncakes this year but some of my friends already bought some mooncakes for me as gift for this coming festival. Well, that means I have to bake some back for them, huh!! Well, not to mention, yes, I'm going to bake the same old stuffs again..;p Got to start my work this Saturday then got to bring home some for MIL on Sunday morning..:)

  4. As I have commented on your FB, these fishes all looked well fed.

  5. So cute! Kids will like these. It's really a great idea for those without mooncake moulds.

  6. 好可爱哦

  7. Bee Bee...those fishes should swim to my place :p Great ones and I am sure they taste as good as they look. Happy Lantern Festival to you and family and a joyous one too :)

    I shall try making this next year :)

  8. how clever of that to use an egg mould! no mooncake mould, no problem!!

  9. These fish mooncake is very cute ler! This year i have been doing too many types of mooncakes, this recipe keep for next year lor. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you.

  10. Cute and yummy!! They all went into my stomach :p

  11. Can you please show how the mould looklike.


  12. Good idea using the egg mould from Daiso...I'll try next time...:) Love your fishes...beautiful.
    中秋节快乐 my dear friend, and wish all the best to you and your family. Have a nice celebration tonight...:)

  13. Bee, you didi it! Yeah, I told yuyu I love her fish mould too but can't get them here as well. So, you actually used an egg mould to shape it!

  14. Oh do you mean those bento egg moulds?


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