Monday, February 1, 2010

Assorted Butter Cookies and Peanut Cookies

Okay I know, I am way behind on my CNY cookies this year. But there just too many things to attend to, so I have to keep pushing it behind. But fortunately, I managed to squeeze out some time to bake a couple of cookies a week back. One of them is Assorted Butter cookies . Assorted butter cookies because I used the same batter to top off with cashews, jam & sandwich with chocolate spread. The result was a buttery, slight crisp cookie.

Although I still find this cookie not as light and buttery as I expected it to be, it was still good enough to eat. :)

Ingredients for Cashew Butter Cookies (makes about 56):
260g unsalted butter, room temperature
160g confectioner's sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
40g milk powder
400g cake flour
Topping: Toasted Cashews, Jam, chocolate spread
  • Preheat the oven to 165°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  • Whip the butter and sugar together till light and creamy. Add egg one at a time and beat in till just combined. Add vanilla and mix well.
  • Sift in cake flour and milk powder and stir till just mixed.
  • Scoop the mixture into a piping bag with a big star tip.
  • Pipe the cookie in circular shape leaving about 2" apart from another.
  • Lightly press a toasted cashew nut on top and repeat till all batter are used.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes or cookies becomes light golden brown. Cool on rack and serve or store in airtight containers up to a week or so.
The most popular one was the jam filled ones. But unfortunately those got soften after the next day *sigh*. Most likely the moisture from the jam made the cookies soft. :P But I enjoyed it anyhow. If you are interested to try this recipe out, maybe you can replace 40g of the cake flour with cornflour to make it more light and crisp. And replace the eggs with more butter or shortening. Let me know how it turns out. ;)The other cookie I managed to whip up was the traditional peanut cookies for CNY. I am a peanut person....give me a tub of peanut butter and you got my vote, hahaha. I can eat peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast everyday, anyway. So making this cookie seems like a no brainer for me. :) But to be able to obtain that all fragrant peanut flavor is no easy job. The recipe for this cookie might be simple enough, but preparing for the toasted peanuts aren't so. But guess what, it's all worth it. :)
Ingredients for Peanut Cookies:
550g raw small peanuts, skin on
380g caster sugar
450g all purpose flour
325ml ground peanut oil (add sparingly, if batter comes together, then stop adding)
1.5 to 2 tsp salt

1 egg yolk + 1 tsp milk for egg wash

  • Toast the peanuts in a preheated oven of 200°C, all evenly spread out on a baking tray for 15 minutes. Half way through the baking, toss the peanuts around to get even baking through out.
  • Then transfer those peanuts into a large frying wok. Stir fry for 10 to 12 minutes at medium high heat till the nuts are dark golden brown. If some parts of the skin are charred, it's okay.
  • Remove from work and spread on a cooling tray. When it's cool enough to handle, rub away the skins and shake to separate the nuts out. Save 1 cup of tasted peanuts for topping later.
  • Ground the nuts using the blender till it is fine. Repeat till all nuts are finely ground.
  • In a small sauce pot, heat up 300ml of the peanut oil. When it is warm enough, remove from heat. Add the caster sugar and salt, stir well till all is melted.
  • In another large mixing bowl, mix the ground peanuts and flour together till well blended. Pour the oil mixture in and stir well. If too dry, add the remaining 25ml or more peanut oil till it is enough for you to form a dough ball.
  • Knead the mixture well and start to form the peanut cookies. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
  • Each cookie should be about 1.5 tsp amount and roll round. Place the cookie dough on the parchment lined baking tray and brush the surface with egg wash. Then gently top each cookie with toasted peanut.
  • Bake the peanut cookies in the preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes till golden brown. Cool on rack before serving.
It's a pity I didn't have enough time to make more to give to my friends this year. Hope they understand. Else I know some of my friends would really enjoy these. :P Verdict? Crumbly, mildly sweet and almost melt in your mouth, bursting with tasty peanut fragrant. :D Yum-o! Do try this recipe out if you are a peanut love just like me. ;)

Hope I will be able to bake my pineapple tarts soon ( I sound like a broken record!) before it's too late! So stay tune....;P


  1. WOW! Wish I can try those cookies now..;p I always like your butter cookies...yummy! I still can remember the butter cookies you baked for us, the one with strawberry jam sandwiched with the cookies...yum yum! Love it! Muz bake for me again in March horr...hee hee!

  2. Hey Reese, know what, I like your cashew cookies better leh! Sure can, I know which cookie you are talking about. :) Hopefully I can come on the 27th...still waiting for one more friend and my hubby to give the green light. Will let you know once I know. If not, at least we still can meet up in March right?

  3. Hi HBS,
    Your cookies looked really good. How did you manage to bake them with your small oven? Did you get a new oven? Must've taken a lot of time to do this? I can understand, nothing stops a passion baker! :)

  4. Thanks Jane. :) Actually my MIL's halogen oven can contain up to 30 cm in still can bake at least 10 cookies each time. Yeah...quite time consuming to bake using a small oven. Can't wait for my new oven in May...well, at least that's about when my new kitchen will be ready. :)

  5. You are definately not late at all! I think i'd be later :( your cookies looks very nice! Can't wait to see your pineapple cookies :)

  6. Your peanut cookies look great to, apart from the heavy glazing!!! Doesn't that make them a lot more yummier?

  7. Hi Grace,
    Thanks so much for the encouragement! Let's all "加油"!! I am sure you will make wonderful delicious NY cookies too. Yeah...I am also looking forward to making the pineapple tarts. :)

    Hi Quinn, know that was actually the "works" of my MIL. She insisted that the peanut cookies should be golden brown, so she double glazed them. So there is this thin crispy layer on the surface due to the glaze, hahaha. for the taste wise...I guess it's the same. :)


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