Monday, July 27, 2009


Frankly speaking, I am even more surprise receiving this award then the previous one, haha! Wow, Best Blog Award, ....geeze I am truly amazed! Anyway, enough with the babbling....I feel like those celebs that receive Oscar and standing in front of thousands of audience, brain freeze, speechless or just mumbling nonsense, haha!

So first I like to thank traciMoo (A.K.A Bitter Sweet Flavors) for passing this lovely award to me, very sweet of her to think of me, thank you for the encouragment and support!

The rules for these awards are:
~To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
~Pass the award to 5 other blogs that you've discovered and think are great!

~Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award

I'm kind of relieved that I need not talk about myself upon receiving this award, haha! But still having to search for 5 bloggers to pass this award to is no easy peasy stuff! But still I drum roll please! Here they are in no particular order or preference!
  • Joy of Baking - By Stephanie whose site has such a wide collection of great recipes to share and always comprehensive enough for the novice bakers.
  • Daily Delicious : By Pook; whom has the most amazing blog with 3 languages (i.e. Thai, Jap & Eng) with lovely and mouth watering recipes posts.
  • Zen Cupcakes - A blog that exhibits the most amazing collection of cupcakes all over the world. My Hello Kitty fondant cupcakes were posted by her too!
  • Piggy's Cooking Journal - A lovely blog by Grace which displays great recipes and pictures.
  • Smitten Kitchen -By Deb from New York City. Love reading her posts (great writer) and her recipes.
Thanks again traciMoo for passing the award to me...really appreciate it. :)


  1. Hi BB,
    Congratulation! I am so happy for you on the reward.

  2. Heehee, thanks sis! I also very happy! But I only "bluff eat bluff eat" (in Mandarin/Hokkien), haha! *kidding* Will do my best to make more yummy food!

  3. Congratulation! Another award....i'm so happy for you. Keep it up....we'll have more food to taste too...hehe!

  4. Thanks ReeseKitchen,
    I could only have done it with much advice and encouragement from friends like you. So I should be the the one thanking you, thanks dear friend! ;)

  5. Congrats for the award and also thanks for passing it to me! You're so sweet... :-)


Welcome friends! Care to drop me a little note, I would much appreciate that. ;)